复制 and Print Services

St. 爱德华的 University has partnered with FedEx Office to provide our campus community discounted copy and print services. FedEx Office can process both complex and straightforward copy and print orders, 包括标志和图形, and most orders are available to be delivered to campus at no additional cost. FedEx Office is also able to provide packing and distribution for these projects. 


Our FedEx Office Regional Solutions Consultant is available to the St. 爱德华的 community to advise on large or complex FedEx Office projects. 请与Delicia McAlister联系 磷化铝.mcalister@fedex.com 安排咨询或讨论您的需求. 


Please see the Quick Reference Guide for details on how to submit a project via the Print-On-Demand website.  Demos of the Print-On-Demand website are available upon request. Please contact 业务.services@ellisonspro.com for more information. 

Submitting Orders 

的 FedEx Print-On-Demand 网站可用于订购St. 印有爱德华大学商标的信笺, 业务 cards, 迹象, 海报, 宣传册, 彩色和黑白副本, 和更多的. 注意:您的用户名是您的SEU电子邮件. 

Employees can also visit the FedEx Office location assigned to our university account at 327 Congress Ave (4th and Congress) to place orders in person. 

Please note that orders submitted via email or phone are subject to production delays based on volume and consultation.

Paying for Orders

Those with PCards are strongly encouraged to submit orders via the 联邦快递按需打印门户 并通过门户内的PCard支付. Orders can also be placed by using your area FOAPAL upon checkout. Please check with your area budget manager to confirm the use of the correct FOAPAL. 

使用个人卡付款的员工, 现金, 或检查, 可以通过Concur提交费用报销吗. If necessary, employees should keep the receipt for any orders paid for out-of-pocket to include in their expense report.  有关Concur的问题,请与 AP@ellisonspro.com


While most copy and print orders can be completed and delivered to campus within 24 hours, 较大的标准复制作业或需要绑定的作业, 切割, or lamination may take additional days to process and deliver. Delivery to campus is available for free for those orders that are completed at our partner FedEx Office near-site location. 

更复杂的工作,如大规模印刷, 标志和图形印刷, 和订单, 包括平面设计服务, 可能需要几天时间来处理. 类似的, 印刷机印刷订单, custom-printed boxes, and promotional products may require three weeks to source and process.  提交这些订单时, please consider your timeline well in advance and allow enough time for processing. 

Depending on the type of order, there are different delivery options available. For most projects, the default process will be to have those orders delivered by FedEx to the Operations Building and brought to the Smart Lockers in the Quick Dip for pickup. 

If an employee needs a copy or print job completed more immediately, they can visit the near site FedEx Office location at 327 Congress Ave or use a departmental leased copier (one is available for use in the 图书馆) or another desktop printer.